Hi. my name is Ken a.k.a Yomoken in Japan.
I am a partner of Atushi.
Today I will introduce myself to all of you in the world.
It was 1998 FIFA World Cup that enthralled me with its great excitement.
One of Japanese celebrities Fusao Sekiguchi (a.k..a a horse owner) gave Japanese college students a chance to see the World Cup in France. He invited 500 college students to enter an essay competition for a prize incentive.
I applied for the comp and was shortlisted at the first elimination (It assigned us only 50 words).
In the second screening, the applicants were given 2000 words assignment.
I passed it and got a free ticket for the World Cup!
The people that I met during the Word Cup influenced me a lot.
On the boarding to France, I seated next to a male college student.
He is also a college student like me, but he is already an entrepreneur and CEO of his own company. The fact that he is very close to my age impressed me a lot.
Throughout this journey, I met a lot of impressive people beside him. I continued the relationship with them even if the journey finished. Thanks to the World Cup, I had a precious experience that influenced the rest of my college life.
At the end of my collage life, one of my friend, who I met during the World Cup, recommended me to travel the world by myself, because he was attracted by it.
So, I did it. I went to Angkor Wat in Cambodia. It was my first time to travel alone without any companionship. It was a bohemian journey!
Our trip was totally extravagant and “ TOO MUCH FUN!”
It was the moment I fall in love with traveling.
Since then, I've started backpacking to visit all around the World. (Asia, East & West Europe, North & South America)
My traveling lasts mostly a month at one traveling. Even though it was really short, I could meet so many "masters" of traveling. Simply, I desired to be like them. When can I be? Definitely, I knew that I should do it before I turn to 30th.
In 2002, I graduated from collage. I got a job from a foreign firm consulting company.
If I think back then, how could I pass this competitive company? I couldn't even speak English well at that time.
The reason I chose this company was I could decide when to start working from April to October.
The World Cup kicks off in May. If I start working now, I will miss them coz of my job!
Then, I decided to delay it.
So, I requested them to start my job from August, while my other mates didn't do so. I borrowed money from my parents to travel between Japan and Korea.
It was so expensive soccer game tickets. I watched 11 soccer games behind soccer goal. You know what? It was BAD IDEA to pick that seat! I realized the best spot to watch soccer game was just right beside of field. You will be able to see much better !!!
In 2006, I spent 4 years on my job.
I thought I had nothing to lose, so I bid for tickets for 2006 World Cup in Germany. I won a prize again.
I could guess that the bidding was very keen. Somehow Zico Or Pelé or God of the World Cup might have helped me to won the prize… I guess. I’m very lucky!
I had requested my boss to transfer to china on 2006 for my business. That means…I could adjust my schedule well for 2006 World cup in Germany.
Named “Nippon Love Wagon (* Nippon = Japan )” for my camping car and drove all over Germany. I met a tons of people again. The strength of their friendship moved me profoundly a great deal.
Japanese team were defeated in the preliminary, but I could spend wonderful time with wonderful people there.
Below is my personal history again.
In 1998, Entered the collage.
In2002, I found a employmentIn 2006, Moved to foreign country for my work.
Every 4 years of World Cup time was swamped with my life. I am very thankful to look back my life every 4 years and make sure I appreciated all blessings I could have. Thank you God of World Cup!
I am going to be 30th on September 2009.
Because of 30th age, I feel that I should do something big in my life.
Now I am still at the beginning of a long long journey called "LIFE".
From now on, Atushi and I will start moving toward the temporal goal, which is located in South Africa.
Yes, we've made up our mind to complete walking across all the 32 countries that will participate in 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa.
We will make a full and derailed report from all around the world.
I wish all the countries unites then become “ONE” at the end of my once-in-a-lifetime journey in South Africa 2010.
Was born in 1979. Hometown:Yokohama , Kanagawa prefecture.
Became a supporter of Japanese national soccer team before the Tragedy of Doha.
Loves traveling and visited 27 countries already.
Got a job from a foreign firm consulting company.
Has been working in China, and will go back to Tokyo soon.
My personal Web site http://www.yomoken.com

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